Translation for "dos alumnos" to english
Dos alumnos
Translation examples
335. El Departamento de Educación de Niue informa que en la actualidad hay dos alumnos con discapacidad.
335. The Department of Education reports that there are two students considered as having a disability currently in Niue.
209. Otro organismo es el consejo escolar, que está compuesto por representantes de los padres, elegidos por el consejo de padres de alumnos, y del personal docente, y uno o dos alumnos.
209. Another structure is the School Board, which is comprised of representatives of parents elected by the Council of School Parents, representatives of the teaching staff, and one - two students.
En 2008 dos alumnos recibieron becas completas otorgadas por PT Asuransi Tokio Marine y por la Escuela de Economía Kasih Bangsa, respectivamente.
In 2008, two students received full scholarships, from PT Asuransi Tokio Marine and Kasih Bangsa School of Economics, respectively.
Por ejemplo, en la aldea de Dmitrovo, los cursos 4º y 5º de lengua asiria se imparten aunque sólo haya dos alumnos, y los cursos 5º, 8º y 9º de la escuela Nº 8 de Ereván disponen de aulas con un estudiante por cada curso.
For example, in the village of Dmitrovo, 4th and 5th grades of Assyrian language function even in case of two students, and in the 5th, 8th and 9th grades in school No. 8 of Yerevan - in case of one student in each grade.
Un responsable del Seminario confirmó que los 18 obreros trabajaban en el Seminario y que los dos alumnos debían estudiar allí.
A seminary official confirmed that the 18 workmen were working at the seminary and that the two students most
El 18 de noviembre de 2006, en una escuela de Beit Lahia administrada por el OOPS, efectivos de las FDI efectuaron disparos contra dos alumnos, de 7 y 12 años, que resultaron heridos.
On 18 November 2006 in an UNRWA-run school in Beit Lahia, two students, aged 7 and 12, were shot and injured inside the school by IDF.
Se trata de 18 obreros y dos alumnos del Seminario Adventista de Buganda, que habrían sido detenidos en el Seminario por el comandante de brigada porque eran originarios de la provincia de Bujumbura Rural y algunos de ellos aún no habían sido inscritos por la administración.
Eighteen workmen and two students from the Adventist seminary in Buganda were apparently arrested at the seminary by the police commander because they came from the province of Bujumbura-rural and some of them had not yet been registered by the administration.
Se suspendió a dos alumnos de la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y uno de la Facultad de Derecho, quienes al final del año estaban en espera de que se iniciaran procedimientos disciplinarios contra ellos.
Two students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and one from the Law Faculty were banned and at year’s end were waiting for disciplinary procedures to take place.
Treinta y dos alumnos y 18 alumnos remitidos asistieron a las clases en Filyra, con un 98% de resultados positivos; en Passos hubo 27 alumnos y 12 alumnos remitidos, todos los cuales superaron las pruebas.
Thirty-two students and 18 referred students attended the classes at Filyra with a success percentage of 98 per cent; 27 students and 12 referred students attended classes at Passos with a success percentage of 100 per cent.
¡Dos alumnos fueron devorados, y tuvimos examen!
Two students were eaten, and we had a test.
A propósito, Julie me contó que tuvo una discusión con dos alumnas de su clase.
To purpose, Julie told me that he/she had one beats mouth with two students of his/her group.
Y los premios especiales son para los dos alumnos... que obviamente no tuvieron ninguna ayuda de sus padres:
And special awards go to the two students... who obviously had no help from their parents:
Dos alumnas fueron sorprendidas pecando.
Two students were caught in the back yard committing a sin.
Bueno, quedan dos alumnos.
Well, we're down to our last two students.
- Tener solo dos alumnos no parece un modelo de negocio viable.
Having only two students doesn't seem a very viable business model to me.
Dos alumnos vinieron a verme por separado y me dijeron que te vieron con una chuleta
Two students in the class came up to me separately and said they saw you using a crib sheet.
Julia, hay dos alumnos con descomposición, otros tantos vomitando en cubos y todos con más de 39 grados de fiebre y mareos.
Julia, two students have collapsed, others will not stop throwing up... and they all have nausea and more than 39 of fever.
Normalmente, sólo tengo dos alumnos.
Normally, I only have the two students.
Tenía treinta y dos alumnos.
It had thirty-two students.
Hay cinco nombres: dos alumnos y tres maestros.
There are five names—two students and three teachers.
—Estaba salvando a dos alumnos —señaló el Maestro Rufus—.
“He was saving two students,” said Master Rufus.
Y Jurema y yo llevamos a dos profesores y a dos alumnos.
Jurema and I brought two professors and two students.
¿Por qué solo se presentan dos alumnos para su primera clase sobre Baudelaire?
Why do only two students turn up for the first Baudelaire class?
De camino a Eba, conoció a dos alumnos de la escuela donde se había refugiado.
On the way to Eba, he met two students from the school where he had taken refuge.
Esos dos alumnos no han asistido a una sola clase, y lo único que sabía de ellos era que no estaban presentes.
These two students had not attended a single class. That's all I knew about them.
Fui a parar a una clase de cuarenta y dos alumnos, una de las rarísimas clases mixtas del colegio.
I was in a class of forty-two students, one of the very rare mixed classes in that school.
Cato se arriesgó a mirar al tutor y a sus dos alumnos, ahora que éstos tenían la atención centrada entre ellos.
Cato risked a look at the tutor and his two students now that their attention was on each other.
La cuestión, la única cuestión, es que esos dos alumnos faltaron a clase y que descuidaron el trabajo de una manera flagrante e inexcusable.
The issue, the only issue, is the nonattendance of these two students and their flagrant and inexcusable neglect of work.
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