Translation for "dos de alumnos" to english
Translation examples
Dos mil alumnos, para la mitad de los cuales la denominación de disfuncionales aún sería benévola.
Two thousand students, and half of them it would be kind to call dysfunctional.
Un día en enero, Ruthie me contó que había oído al pasar a su padre diciéndole a su madre que Reuven Malter y yo éramos los dos mejores alumnos de la clase y que sería difícil para el claustro decidir a quién de los dos otorgar el Premio Akiva.
Ruthie told me one day in January that she had overheard her father tell her mother that Reuven Maker and I were the two best students in the class and the faculty would have a difficult time deciding which of us would get the Akiva Award.
Jack ha procurado hacer caso omiso de esta revolución, con terquedad sigue garabateando unas notas en sus sesiones de tutoría, como ha hecho durante años, y no «pica» después las conclusiones en la base de datos informatizada sobre los dos mil alumnos del Central High.
Jack has tried to ignore the whole revolution, stubbornly keeping a few scribbled notes on his counseling sessions, the way he has done it for years, and neglecting to "keyboard" his conclusions into Central High's computerized data bank on its two thousand students.
El único notable que Bert había recibido el trimestre anterior, un notable en física, debería haber sido con todo derecho un sobresaliente. Ese notable era lo único que separaba a los dos primeros alumnos del último curso.
The one B that Bert had received on his report card the previous term, a B in physics that by all rights should have been an A—that B was all that was separating the top two students in the senior class. Dr.
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