Translation for "tan mágico" to english
Tan mágico
  • so magical
Translation examples
so magical
Es tan mágico, tan hermoso.
It's so magical, so beautiful.
*Nosotras, somos tan mágicas*
Us girls, we are so magical
Eso parece tan mágico.
That looks so magical.
No es tan mágico, y no es meramente alucinógeno;
It's not so magical, and it's not merely hallucinogenic;
Ahora le parece que lo que sucedió fue tan mágico que valió cualquier riesgo.
One moment she feels like what’s happened was so magical that it was worth any risk;
Pero no servía de nada: la araña era tan grande, o tan mágica, que los encantamientos no hacían más que provocaría.
But it was no use — the spider was either so large, or so magical, that the spells were doing no more than aggravating it.
Era un momento tan mágico que Martell apenas pudo reprimir una carcajada de gozo ante aquella belleza.
The moment was so magical that, despite himself, he almost laughed aloud at the sheer beauty of it.
Todo presentaba un aspecto tan distinto, tan mágico, que Elfrida no pudo contener el impulso de detenerse a contemplar el paisaje.
All looked so transformed, so magical that Elfrida was compelled to stop and gaze.
Pero todo era tan mágico, su copa estaba tan rebosante de vino brillante, que sus ojos solo podían resplandecer.
But it was all so magic, her cup was so full of bright wine, her eyes could only shine.
Era incandescente, una criatura de brillantez abrumadora, tan mágica que se sentían cautivados por ella como lo habrían estado por la contemplación del arco iris.
She was incandescent, a creature of overpowering brilliance, so magical that they were as captivated by her as they would have been by a rainbow’s are.
Creemos que existen en este reino más entidades sobrenaturales que personas de carne y hueso, y nos complace vivir en un mundo tan mágico.
We think there are more supernatural entities in this land than people of flesh and blood, and are happy to live in so magical a world.
Componer unas memorias de la mayor distinción, tan mágicas que el mundo recordase durante mucho tiempo cuán superior era ser un Sammler.
Compose a memoir of the highest distinction, so magical that the world would long remember what a superior thing it was to be a Sammler.
Otras eran tan mágicas y fantásticas que ni siquiera los niños más crédulos las tomaban por ciertas, aunque, por supuesto, se repetían igualmente.
Some were so magic and fantastical that they could not be believed even by the most credulous of the children, though of course they were repeated all the same.
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